different to the tens of descendants that Doom has spawned over the last year. The main departure from the Doom formula is the control system.
I say departure, but it's more of a variation - you've still got the first-person, eye level perspective, a similar looking map (although it's depicted in full colour), weapon switching controls are identical, and so on. However, the game is controlled with the mouse.
Movement is achieved by holding down the left button and pushing the mouse forwards - the further
the mouse is pushed, the faster the
character moves. Turning
left and right, as well as
backing up are all controlled with similar respective movements. Clicking the right mouse button fires whatever weapon you happen to be using.
Other controls are accessed using the keyboard, such as opening doors and changing weapons, although hardened Doomsters will be pleased to know that it's possible to play solely with the keyboard. At least, they will be initially pleased, and then downright confused when they find out what the controls are.